Ants came to us a couple months ago with a severe neurological tremor, like nothing we've ever seen. This tremor was causing him to bounce and shake completely uncontrolled to the point of screaming continuously out of frustration and fear. He was unable to eat or sleep, and he was absolutely miserable. Words cannot describe how awful it was to witness this. Thankfully, our favorite animal neurologist was able to get us in quickly and figured this sweet boy out.
As we've learned through the neurologist, Ants has a hypomyelination disorder which causes the fatty coating around the nervous system to thin and disappear. His nerves were exposed and he was having uncontrolled signals going through his body continuously. This condition can happen suddenly to kittens between 6 and 8 weeks of age, and it can be permanent, or it can get better. The sudden onset is why sweet Ants was so very upset and screaming so much.
With time and TLC, Ants has learned to eat on his own rather than off a spoon. The best news though is he has become comfortable in his shaky little body and no longer screams. His tremors have improved significantly and you now almost can't tell anything is wrong with his nervous system. He continues to go to our friends at Pawsitive Steps on a monthly basis to monitor his progress. We can't thank them enough for setting our foster family up with the tools to help rehab this sweet little guy.
Our one remaining problem with Ants is that he doesn't seem to grow, and he remains a tiny 2 lbs at 5 months old. He will be seeing the vet again soon to determine what has caused his slow growth. For now, he will remain in his foster home as a permanent resident, loved and cherished, and receiving all the neurological and rehab care he needs.
If you're interested in sponsoring any of Ants care, especially his rehab visits, please PM us! Sponsors will receive pictures and periodic updates on his progress.